Monday, November 12, 2007

Hold the Arsenic

I looked through my blog today. Nothing had changed. I hate stagnation so I decided to do something about it. And I did.
I CHANGED THE TEMPLATE! (Inspiring or what!)

Rudely shoving the self-ridicule aside with a thick skinned hand, I bring the focus onto the 'parchmenty', 18th century style layout that has me thrilled out of my wits. The whole thing seems to make my blog so intellectual ... as if it speaks of a wisdom so old and treasured only few have the honour of reading it.
And then, many MANY years from now, some sad sap of a sailor will find it rolled up in a bejewelled box. He will scratch his head (hopefully not anywhere else) and gaze at what his watery brain is telling him is a treasure not to be lost. He grins... revealing a gold tooth (not much else). The parchment finds its way to the great archives of the Vatican, where it will be sealed away till some scholarly person finds it and writes a book about it. The 'Greju code' is published amid much secrecy and controversy. Questions are asked, web sites are created, stalkers are followed, psychos are jailed, priests are pissed off, nuns are livid, hostelers are thrilled...

As for me... I'll still be around; old, wrinkly and STILL grumpy- beating my miserable great grand kids into making me a cup of tea. Sans Arsenic.


Nothing but "Ficus" said...

the story: early mornings on orkut when i should bloody be sleeping, looking shamelessly at profiles, well, (well atleast der is no currently existing gf i m cheating on wit these mental ogling sessions), a pause at d presence of d blog name (blogs interest me..for some un-explained reason), momentary wonderings if a blog of dis name cud even exist (r u frickin kiddin mee???), click goes the mouse, to open a page tht surprisingly looks like my own..and a post abt a template change...thts decided. i post a superfluous comment dat is frankly leading nowhere....

must be d excessive caffeine intake.i should hit bed.damn u, goddess of insomniatus. and orkut. lol, pardon d randomness.

Usha said...

wow. u have a fan. and it's not me. nice post greju potty!

Jugal said...

ha ha :)

Sans Arsenic :)

notgogol said...

Bloghopped here and am not disappointed. Your matter-of-fact tone in the previous post is very charming
"I like to sleep late. When I have to wake up early, I am not nice." :P

suraj r said...

u re a gal wid lotza attitude!